Saturday, May 05, 2007

The longest wait.

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time now. The day when I return, home, Bombay, India. And now today the day has finally come but the wait is still killing me. I just cant wait to get home, see my parents for the first time after almost 14 months. Cant wait to see their reaction and more so my own reaction….

Jan 18th when I left India for my onsite assignment. I had taken it as a change, something that will help me grow stronger and I had already lost a lot. I wanted to prove to myself that I will stand strong…..and move forward no matter what. Now when I look back I cant believe what I have accomplished, I know I know a lot of kids from India have lived their lives away from their families and done really well in life. But this blog isn’t about them, its about me. I never wanted to spend my life in any other country but India, why? I would ask Why not? Its just that I am sentimental about this place…..the people….the hope…the hate….the love….the life…..and everything I have experienced in the past 24years. Did I grow stronger..i guess so….did I grow smarter definitely…but most of all I have survived….thats what I wanted to achieve and now I have.

Its true that when you face a big challenge you are at first overwhelmed by its magnitude, then you take in a breath and get started with it, and before you know you will have the job done and finally when you look back you will smile or maybe even laugh at that first reaction of yours. I too feel the same now. The recent experiences in my life, when I say recent I mean the past year or so have taught me a lot. How you cant get through your life all by yourself, at times you have to help people out with theirs and more importantly you have to allow people to help you every once in a while, it’s a way of allowing them to say thankyou for all you have helped them.

Now let me come back to the point where I started writing this post. Its 7:30PM 23rd March 2007 and I am sitting in the waiting area at Gate 4 Terminal 3 JFK airport in NY. As I am a little too early for my flight scheduled at 10:20PM I am trying to get through the wait as smoothly as possible. After I hooked up my laptop I realized that there are no wireless networks available and I don’t have any movies on my disk that I can watch. So whats the best way to do TP, yep you guessed it writing this post while I am listening to Nickleback.

I am surely going to write a blog about my flight to India and my experience when I land in Bombay. So cya then.