Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sometimes love is hiding between the seconds of your LIFE

I have been watching movies all my life......but every once in a while you pick up a movie that really gives you the feeling of fullness as you watch the end credits. Cashback is one such movie that I happened to watch. The director Sean Ellis has done a great job....both visually and in terms of the story. The original was an 18 min short that actually is used in its entirety in the movie. Before I go on to describe the movie here a some facts. The story of the movie was written in 7 days, the movie was shot in 25days. Out of the 25 days shoot, an entire day was used for shooting one scene where Ben falls from the payphone to his bed. This scene looks as if it were special effects but it was shot using just a camera. The old school way.

For some reason this movie reminded of the movie Dream of an Insomniac. The only reason I guess is that both these movies rotate around a character who at some point in their lives suffer of insomnia. If you get a chance do watch this one too. But just a word of caution its a romantic kinda movie. Not for the strong hearted ;)

The movie (Cashback) is about a young lad who has dumped his girl and now as a result suffers of transitional insomnia, how he copes up with it and falls in love all over again....or rather in LOVE for the first time for real. The movie is full of very well formed quotes (I dont think you can call them quotes, but anyways). One of them is the title of this post. Another one was about the word "crush" and how it not only refers to the feeling of attraction but also disappointment.

Its a narration kinda movie, another reason I loved it. Also reminded me of American Beauty. However if you are an anti-nudity person you might get offended with some scene which have been put in to give an artistic justification rather than sexual theme to the movie.

I was too sleepy when I put this movie on but it soon got me glued to the screen. And now I am writing this post before I finally hit the bed.


P.S. I guess we never choose a movie, the movie chooses us.