Friday, February 08, 2008

Linux rocks!

Ok now if you searched some key words like "hate windows" and landed this page, turn around and go back. Because I sure as hell don't hate windows. Infact I love windows XP. It has been the most significant OS after windows 95, coz we all know 98 was bad.

I have been experimenting with linux since the early days, partitioning my HD and installing linux on it. But back in the day installing Linux required skill and patience. Lots of patience. I have messed up my HD more than once, but I aint a kid who dreads fire after getting burnt.

It all started a couple of months back when I heard about Ubuntu. I downloaded a LiveCD of Ubuntu (7.04) and gave it a spin. I was impressed. Linux has come a long way since the early days. You can now use the OS get a complete feel of it without installing it at all. Thats the magic of LiveCD. Now I wanted to install it, but my 40Gb HD didnt have any space on it for another OS.

So last week I upgraded my laptop HD to a new 160Gb Seagate and installed Ubuntu on it along with my WinXP (dual-boot). Installed Beryl on it, for desktop effects, and now my laptop has all the tricks of vista and more...for free.

If you want to know what effects Beryl is capable of, just check out the videos on youtube. Mission accomplished. My first post using Ubuntu!