Sunday, December 17, 2006

One Woman Short - am I?

I am not much of a reader but when you are single and that too in a retirement town in US where ther average age of a woman would be somewhere between 35-45 you havent got many options. So I read books at times, i try to keep it to the minimum coz once you get into bad habits its difficult to get away from them. So every once in a while i pick up a book that has a catchy title or cover page artwork. I was visinting the county library to drop a couple of movies that i had picked up a week earlier, which if I wouldnt could have costed me $1 fine per extra day. While i was at it just strolled into the book section of the public library, coz i was looking for Smita, she was riding with me and so was Priyank. I dont know she picked up a couple of books and on our way out i spotted a colourful bookcover with the title "One Woman Short" and for some reason decided to pick it up. The back cover read that it was a fiction work by George Nealson about a guy revisiting his past to find the girl that he should have married. Sounded interesting so i picked it up.

This is a work in progress...(i will continue this post later) as of now i am busy looking at 3D images - where the image looks like a random splat of colors but when you look into it you can see a 3D image/scene inside the picture.